Our version log is here to keep you informed about what new and improved in the Results Portal. Each update includes important changes like new metric ranges, better functionality, and updates to make your results even more scientifically accurate.
Email hello@tinyhealth.com to update to the latest system version. If you choose to update, all prior kits linked to your family’s account will be updated, including those for other family members. Flagged metrics, actions, and the microbiome summary score may change after the update. Updates may take up to 1 week, and you will receive an email notification once the it is complete. Note: updates cannot be undone.
v3.1.1 - Ammonia Bug Fix
Date: 2024-12-03
This patch fixes a bug where the defined ranges for Ammonia were incorrect. The ranges have now been updated for all age groups to ensure accuracy.
v3.1.1 - New metric release
Date: 2024-11-14
This minor release introduces two new metrics:
- Methane producing capacity, located alongside Methanobrevibacter smithii under Disruptive Microbes > Methane Production.
- Species Richness: Added alongside the Shannon Diversity index under Balance and Robustness > Microbiome Diversity > Species Richness. This metric provides an expanded view of the diversity within the microbiome ecosystem.
v3.0.0 - Major Version Update
This is a major version update.
All metric evaluations in the baby, toddler, child, and adult reports have been updated. Metric evaluations were calculated based on normalized distributions of thousands of microbiomes across all age ranges. Evaluations in reports under v3 are not comparable with v2 report evaluation. Microbiome summary scores (MSS) have also been updated to reflect metric evaluation changes.
- Relative abundance: Lower detection limit reduced from 0.05% to 0.005%.
- Opportunistic Pathogens: Due to the updated abundance threshold, evaluations for opportunistic pathogens and other taxa may differ from previous reports.
Science versioning is live. Each report is associated with a science version on release. Major version changes are not automatic, but can be opted for when activating a new kit.
v2.1.2 - Fix duplicate action card in toddlers
This patch fixes a bug where duplicate Bifidobacterium probiotic cards were appearing in toddler reports. Cards are now properly filtered for toddlers older than 2 years of age.
v2.1.1 - Functional Metrics Bug Fix
This minor release includes the release of new functional metrics including IPA, BCAA, Ammonia, and GABA production and degradation for toddler, child, and adult reports. This release also fixes a bug that blocked strain tracking from being visible on pregnancy kits.
v2.1.0 - Released Functional Metrics (IPA, BCAA, TMA, Ammonia, GABA)
This minor release includes the release of new functional metrics including IPA, BCAA, Ammonia, and GABA production and degradation for toddler, child, and adult reports. This release also fixes a bug that blocked strain tracking from being visible on pregnancy kits.
v2.0.2 - Bug Fix Patch
This patch fixes a bug where constipation action cards were not showing up for baby or toddler kits for users who filled out their new profile surveys.
v2.0.1 - First Science Version
This includes all major, minor, and patch updates to our science metrics up to Sept 25, 2024. This version is our first recorded version when we started versioning science metrics.
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