Practitioners should order kits inside their practitioner accounts by clicking "Order Kits"
We offer three methods for purchasing kits for patients
1. You can order and pay for kits for your patients/clients. Put their information in the shipping address and they will receive the kit in the mail without any financial information. Make sure to use your practitioner code at checkout for the practitioner price and to ensure the kit is associated with your account.
2. You may order a test for a patient, and Tiny Health will send the invoice directly to your patient to complete payment.
• Log into your practitioner account
• Click on Order Kits
• Select Patient Pay
• Fill out your patient's information
3. Order in bulk (10+ kits) and have them available in your office to hand to patients directly.
Note: this currently requires upfront payment from the practitioner, however 'pay-as-you use' will be available in the very near future. Discount applied automatically at checkout.
If you are interested in wholesale pricing (100+ kits/year) please reach out directly at
Why have a separate practitioner store?
This is a dedicated place for practitioners and their patients to order tests at practitioner-only rates.
Single kits are not available directly to consumers, only to practitioners via the practitioner store. Tiny Health direct-to-consumer tests available in our public store on include a microbiome consultation and are priced at $249 per kit. Practitioner codes will not apply to these kits unless you request that from our team.
With your code, practitioner-ordered tests are now priced $70 lower than our direct-to-consumer tests. This gives you more flexibility to set your own price for testing and consultation. If you order directly (using your practitioner email address at checkout), your patient will not receive any pricing information.
By working directly with you, your patients can gain added value as you can interpret their Tiny Health microbiome results along with other labs you may be ordering for them. You can also provide more personalized adjustments to the recommended action plan.
Last but not least, the PRO Gut Health Test which includes stool chemistry markers, is only available through a licensed practitioner.
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